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To help us understand how we can better assist with your enquiry, please read through the following questions below and follow the instructions as detailed:

My order has arrived but it is damaged in someway, What should I do?"Please take a photograph of the damage/ fault and send images with your contact details and order number to: and we will be in touch to discuss matters with you.
I have a query, not listed above. I have a general enquiry."Please email us at We will endeavour to respond to your request within 2 business days. We wish to remind you that we are experiencing high demand for our products at this unprecedented time. Most queries are resolved without manual intervention by our sales team, by allowing 2 or 3 days over and above the timelines provided in your order confirmation. We thank you for your understanding and patience. For those enquires that are not time sensitive please email as suggested.
Part of my table is missing. Only one of two boxes has arrived. What should I do?Please email us at stating your name, delivery address and order number. We will be in contact to advise when the remainder of your table will be delivered. In most cases, we will also be able to provide you with courier contact details and tracking information to allow you to track and trace the missing part. Please be aware that there can be a two or three day delay with split consignments because of the unprecedented demand on couriers, due to COVID-19. Please allow a minimum of 2 business days after the delivery of the first part of your table, then email us at providing all of the above information to allow us to track your order in a timely fashion.
When will my order arrive?If you are enquiring about when your order will be delivered, please see the options below to this question. Please refer to the ‘available to ship from’ date clearly visible on the website, for the product you have ordered. At the time that you placed your order, you were provided with an estimated shipping date. Please do not contact us if less than 10 business days have passed since the estimated shipping date on your order. If 10 business days have now passed, we would request your continued patience, however, if you still wish to contact us please do so via email at Please state your name, address and order number and the nature of your enquiry.
I am missing a part for my table, can you send me a spare part? "Please complete the Service Card included in the box with your table, clearly identifying on the service card the part that is missing. You should scan or send a photo of the completed service card to: ensuring also that you provide us with your name, order number and contact details. It is imperative that we receive this information if we are to resolve your query in the shortest amount of time.
TOUCH is an official website of BCE (Distributors) Ltd.
​ is operated by BCE (Distributors) Ltd.
Address: BCE (Distributors) Limited
Unit 12b Severnbridge Industrial Estate
Symondscliffe Way
NP26 5PW
Phone: +44 (0)117 304 27 52
Monday to Friday
9am - 5pm GMT
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